Gosford Netball Association
60 Years of Netball on the Central Coast
Executive Committee
PRESIDENT | Belinda Beresford | president@gosfordnetball.com.au |
VICE-PRESIDENT | Joy Dasan | vicepresident@gosfordnetball.com.au |
ASSOCIATION SECRETARY | Leanne Phillips | secretary@gosfordnetball.com.au |
FINANCE CO-ORDINATOR | Michelle Cremer | treasurer@gosfordnetball.com.au |
UMPIRE CO-ORDINATOR | Sandra Kohlmayer | umpire@gosfordnetball.com.au |
COACHING CO-ORDINATOR | Marg Allen | coaching@gosfordnetball.com.au |
COMPETITION CO-ORDINATOR | Robyn Turton | comp@gosfordnetball.com.au |
REPRESENTATIVE PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR | Joanne Gregory | reps@gosfordnetball.com.au |
DEVELOPMENT CO-ORDINATOR | Gayle Wilkin | development@gosfordnetball.com.au |
EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR | Vacant | secretary@gosfordnetball.com.au |